Help us make counselling accessible for everyone

As a registered charity all of your donations go directly toward providing people with professional counselling. It costs us over £50 to deliver a therapy session, and we are only able to offer people free & heavily subsidised sessions through our fundraising efforts.

Please give generously and help us provide as many people as possible with vital mental health support.

mother kissing toddler
For the first time in a very long time, I can say I am at peace with myself
The best decision I ever made was to come to therapy. I can’t thank St. Martin’s enough.
man smiling in street

The counselling at St. Martin’s took me through a journey of self-discovery.


Make a donation

Alternatively, donate below via Just Giving.

Donate with JustGiving. Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Bank Transfer, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

Donate via text message

man typing into smartphone

You can choose to give any amount as a one-off donation.

Just text STMARTINS [amount] to 70085.

For example, to donate £10, you would text:


to 70085.

Want to fundraise for us?

Our Justgiving page will help you set up a fundraising activity or event on our behalf.

If you have any questions, send us an email at

amateur marathon runners

Donate at no cost

When you shop online, you can support St. Martin’s at no additional cost to you.

Easy Fundraising

Visit easyfundraising when you shop, which has over 7,000 popular brands from grocery shopping to retail. Add the browser extension, which highlights eligible products for donations when you shop on your laptop or computer.

Alternative donation options

Bank Transfer

You can donate to our mental health charity directly with a bank transfer:

Account Name:
St. Martin’s Centre for Health and Healing

CAF Bank
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00016438

Please use your name as the reference followed by “donation”


Download and complete our donation form to include with your cheque (payable to St. Martin’s Centre for Health and Healing). Send it to our address:

St. Martin Centre for Health and Healing
1st Floor
St Martin’s Church
Edgbaston St
B5 5BB