The NHS funds us to provide a range of interventions designed to resolve common mental health conditions.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CBT is a type of psychological intervention where the therapist helps the client identify negative patterns that have arisen in the way they think and feel, that have led to issues such as anxiety and depression.
CBT focuses on the present time, and current problems and how patterns that have built up are impacting a client’s daily life. CBT breaks these patterns down into the way in which thoughts, actions, feelings, and felt physical sensations are connected, and can link in a viscous cycle where daily life is affected.
Psychological Wellbeing
Wellbeing interventions are short courses of up to six weeks. Sessions are designed to equip the client with the tools and techniques they need to manage anxiety and depression effectively and work towards their goals.
The aim is to help people make positive changes to improve their wellbeing and quality of life.
Short-term Counselling
Talking Therapy Counselling offers a short course of therapy of up to six weeks. These sessions are designed support low-level common mental health conditions.